How to Schedule a Treatment in Robust Health

Step 1: Getting Started

Tap the menu icon in upper left corner.

Note: The screenshots contained in this document were taken on an iPhone and may look slightly different on your mobile device.



Open the Menu, then tap Scheduled Treatments.

Note: The Menu icon is the three horizontal lines you see on your home page in the top left corner of your screen. 

Step 2: Add Treatment

Tap Add Treatment.

Note: This page will show any previously recorded treatments and any previously scheduled treatments for this profile. 

Select the treatment that is being scheduled, then tap Next.

The screen is scrollable

Step 3: Add Frequency

Select how often this treatment is taken, then tap Next.

Note: Depending on the selection made, a set of sub-questions will appear to address the frequency of the scheduled treatment. 

Make selections on sub-questions for frequency of scheduled treatment, then tap Next.

Step 4: Edit Treatment Summary

From the Treatment Summary page, tap on the field you would like to edit for the scheduled treatment.

Step 5: Edit Dosage

Enter the total amount for the dose of the scheduled treatment, the tap Next.

Note: Units will be pre-filled based on the treatment selected. 

Note: Tapping the Next button will take you back to the Treatment Summary page as seen in step 4

Step 6: Edit Duration

Enter the duration for the scheduled treatment, then tap Next. 

Note: This page will have a default Start Date of today’s date and selection of Ongoing.

Note: Tapping the Next button will take you back to the Treatment Summary page as seen in step 4

Step 7: Tap Save Treatment

Once Treatment Summary is updated, tap Save Treatment. 

  • Make sure the Reminder button is enabled, as seen in screenshot, to receive notifications for scheduled treatment.
  • Tap Remove Treatment to delete the scheduled treatment.
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